Trivia: Does mini-golf count?


QUOTE: "Golf is so popular simply because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad."
HINT: (1882-1956), English author, best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh and for various children's poems.


Golf club names rarely used in the game today include baffy (a four wood), brassie (a two wood), cleek (a two iron), mashie (a five iron), niblick (an eight iron), and spoon (a three wood).
Jack Nicklaus's nickname, "The Golden Bear," has nothing to do with his blonde hair and stocky build. He earned it while playing golf in high school for the Upper Arlington (Ohio) Golden Bears.
Before good-quality synthetic materials were developed, the "carpet" at miniature golf courses was typically made from green-dyed felt made from goat hair.
In most of the world, scoring a two on a par-five hole is called an albatross; in the United States, it's known as a double eagle.
Althea Gibson was a multisport star who not only became the first African American woman to compete in tennis at Wimbledon but also the first to join the Ladies' Professional Golfing Association.
Bing Crosby decided against the role of TV detective Columbo, fearing that it would interfere with his true passion: golf. Peter Falk took the job instead.
QUOTE: "Golf is so popular simply because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad."
ANSWER: A.A. Milne.


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