2012: A Personal Observation from Yours Truly

Last night i was parked in my trailer watching the movie 2012 (mainly cause i was bored) and a horrifying thought crept into my mind. Assuming of course that the mayans weren't so phenomonally full of shit that they could fretalize all of wine country and still have leftovers, let's say that December 21st is in fact the end of the world as we know it. Holy disenfrachised voters Batman. No matter whether Romny wins or Obama squeeks by for a second term, he's still going to be the last president of this great country. Now i didn't vote for his sorry ass back in 2008 but if i did and 12/21/12 truly is game over planet Earth, i'm probably thinking "I want my vote back. I didn't mean to vote for that jack-ass Obama". Oh well i could just be delusional. Wouldn't be the first time for that. Until next time true believers, Stay Frosty and i'll see ya in the funny papers.


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