Rather than wring every dime he could out of the popular "Matrix" movie series, Keanu Reeves signed away his back-end deal for the two sequels to the films' special-effects and costume-design teams -- an act of benevolence that cost him many millions. Named after his uncle, Henry Keanu Reeves, the actor's first name roughly translates to "cool mountain breeze" in Hawaiian. The Caspian Tiger was the third largest tiger species. The last of this tiger was seen in 1970, after which it has been declared amongst the extinct animal species. This tiger was found on the lands of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Aurochs was a large-sized cattle-species. It is recorded to have gone into extinction in 1627. It is said that this cattle evolved from India, migrating to the Middle-East, reaching Europe. Benjamin "Bugsy" Seigel built the Flamingo hotel and casino in 1945, with a mob loan; ...