Random Facts: 10/26/12t
While gold is currently around $1,700 an ounce, it reached an all-time high in 2011 of nearly $1,800 an ounce. Of course, gold has always been valuable not only as a material resource but also as a commodity. Gold is the sixteenth most rare of the chemical elements. Though it is one of the rarest metals, gold was the first to be discovered by man. It took half a year for word to reach the Atlantic coast that gold has been discovered in California. The discovery was made in 1848, but John Augustus Sutter and James Marshall tried to keep it a secret. It wasn't until President Polk, in December 1848, announced the discovery that the gold rush of 1949 began. We have lots of laws, not all of them good. But whether they intend to or not, many laws have very beneficial side effects. Town laws in the U.S. Midwest in the 1880s were passed prohibiting the sale of ice cream sodas on Sunday. In Illinois, ingenious soda fountain owners got around the law by omitting the carbonated water and se...