TODAY'S MYSTERY QUOTE QUOTE: “Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” HINT: (1913-1960), French author, journalist, and key philosopher of the 20th-century. *********************************************************** RANDOM TIDBITS Oprah's mother, Vernita Lee, was a housemaid, and her father, Vernon Winfrey, was a coal miner and a barber before becoming a city councilman. *** Oprah first name was supposed to be Orpah, after Ruth's sister-in-law in the Bible, but it was misspelled Oprah on her birth certificate, and the name stuck. *** At the age of 16, Oprah went to live with her father in Nashville, TN. She became an honor student, joined drama club, and won an oratorical contest. *********************************************************** Oprah was the first African-American celebrity to land on the cov...